Monday, April 23, 2012

We worked hard for these hats

I am officially a BYU graduate :) 

Thanks family for driving up to celebrate with me! Thank you to my dear dear friends. Thanks for making college such a great memory. 

And thank you everyone for all your kind words and congratulations!

My siblings played a prank on me when I crashed on the couch after graduation. You can watch below though I warn you if you're in a dark basement by yourself the whispering in the beginning may haunt you but hopefully the giddy laugher will carry you through :)


Now that I've gotten some sleep and gotten over my annoyance at finding jam in my hair, I can't help but laugh and hit replay on this video. Oh my siblings and our silly attempts to prank each other.

AND in other news... we finally got a group picture! So crazy that it ended up being our first and last picture together. Have I mentioned how much I love these ladies? 

Also, today I successfully survived my first day at work in the real world.


Yes, Jason is my boss. And yes, Friendemic is awesome :) 

1 comment:

Aaron and Amanda said...

Class of 2012, you did it! Congrats, congrats, congrats!