Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can you believe this?


I have been in Chicago for a week. A week! 

What a ride. I don't know how I can ever go back to 'normal' life after this. I thought I knew what it was like to have a hectic schedule before. Ha. What a joke.

But I can make this 7 week sprint. Oh yes sir eee I can. And will. As Amanda says, Chicago is a time warp. And I'm not wasting a single second.

In the 7 days I've been here I have put in 40 hours at Draftfcb (complete with presenting ideas multiple times to our CD), gone to the Bean, looked up at the Sears tower (don't worry we'll go up soon and look down from the cool glass box), had deep dish pizza (and got to know other Draftfcb interns at the same time!), checked out the art museum (yay for free Thursdays!), had gelato at Paciugo (amazing!), eaten delicious fish tacos from El Cid (before going to Insitute), watched a Roller Derby, found my way to FHE, discovered where Leo Burnett is located, ridden the L so many times I feel (almost) like I've got the hang of it (excpet for those scary moments when my iPhone suddenly loses service), spent 2 and a half hours in Forever21 (yes this is totally true. There were two huge floors! Stay tuned for new outfits), had a peanut butter nutella cupcake from Molly's (yes, the same place that won Cupcake Wars), gone to an incredible choir preformance of Carmina Burana, meet so many incredibly nice people in my singles' ward, bought a ticket to go on the Architecture Boat tour (thank you Groupon!), been the recipient of the first office prank (oh Janssen), watched a masterpiece of a tent be constructed and taken down in a matter of two days (so sad, silly fire codes), enjoyed two days of sunshine scattered in between several days of rain and wind (Spring please come soon and stay!), watched clips of the Royal Wedding and oh'd and ahh'd over Kate's dress(es), spent a whole day in heels walking around and around and around Chicago (sorry walking in heels for me is a big deal), gotten to know my two awesome roommates (Amanda and Myriah! Woot woot! Complete with nail painting, Gilmore Girls and fashion shows) and yeah that's about it :)

Isn't that crazy cool!? 

I can't believe how many things I've checked off my Chicago List. Haha only thing is more items are being added at about the same rate they're being accomplished if not faster. Next big things include going to a Broadway show (Peter Pan!) and tryingGarrett's popcorn. Oh and going to the 4 story H&M (did you hear they're building one in Murry Utah?!). And I still haven't eaten a real Chicago hot dog or gone to a Cubs game. Or seen the Chicago Zoo/Aquarium. And Sweet Mandy B's is a must. And the list goes on.

Stay tuned for more Chicago adventures because we are not slowing down :) 


Posted via email from Life in Color

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