Mr. & Mrs. Kevan :)
I really wanted my dress to be a surprise and to get a picture of the first time Luke saw me in my dress so my photographer for my bridals, Sarah Carabine Jenson helped me get that picture :)
We took all these pictures about a month before our wedding just in case the weather didn't want to cooperate and I'm so glad we did. Our wedding day was a beautiful day but such a HOT, sunny day it was nice to just take family and friend pictures at the temple.
My dress was made by Penelope Perkins and she did an incredible job. I showed her a picture of a vintage dress off the Interent and she made it a reality. I love my dress and may or may not still be trying to come up with excuses to wear it now ;)
Being in the temple sealing room with all of our family and close friends was such a special experience. The Spirit was so strong and I'm so glad we were married in the Draper temple.
Our temple sealer gave us some really great advice and I tried to hard to remember it all but one thing really stuck and that was every time we go to the temple together we're telling each other that we want each other for forever and that was really special :)
Two things I really wanted in my wedding dress was lots of lace and a bow. So happy I was able to have both. Also, on the inside of Luke's ring (which kind of looks like the One Ring, yes?!) is the infinity symbol (I know, you were thinking it would be "One Ring to Rule Them All..." weren't you? ;)

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our wedding & receptions or supported us from afar! We love you!
So pretty!
I loved your sealer's counsel and testimony! I think Luke's family is amazing and you are blessed to be loved by him and them : )
It looks like you had the best wedding day ever! Congrats! So happy for you! Your dress is gorgeous and I love your hair. Married life is the best and it just keeps getting better and better! :) Love you!
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